- New accounts are set up within a maximum of 24 Hours.
- Renewals are processed immediately upon receipt of payment.
- Renewals not paid on or before the date of renewal will not be processed.
- Any data on non-renewed accounts will be deleted 30 days after expiry date.
- We are not responsible for any loss of data or the registered domain after the expiry date.
- Dishonoured cheques will automatically be treated as a renewal NOT paid in time.
- Blocked or Disputed payments for irrelevant reasons will leade to account closure.
- Refunds are only applicable on Web Hosting (Domain Excluded) and can be accepted up to 7 days after commencement of new service or renewal.
- Cost of third party products such as Domain Names are NOT REFUNDABLE.
- The hosting of Illegal Files, Copyright material, Torrent Files, Adult XXX Content, Gambling Content is strictly PROHIBITED – Immediate termination of account without prior notice in case of breach and no refund will be given.
- Web hosting accounts MAY NOT be used as a storage service – Immediate termination of account without prior notice in case of breach and no refund will be given.
- 99% Uptime Guarantee – 88 Hours per year of downtime can be expected due to Maintenance (Scheduled/Unscheduled) / Internet Errors, DDOS & More. The downtime can be consecutive or non consecutive.